is an original. That's my LV Speedy & my cowgirl boots resting on a very hot day en route to the Louvre in Paris, France.



OK! So, after the sunshine vortex that was THE HILLS marathon all weekend long, I've come up with the top 5 reasons as to why I friggin love this show soo much!

1. The theme song - Natasha Beddignfields "Unwritten" come on! There is no better theme song. The song is actually the theme song to my life!

2. Heidi's Hair - Say what you want about all of her other fake extremities, but her hair? Dynamite.

3. JUSTIN BOBBY! - Need I say more?

4. The Soundtrack - I've discovered so much new music from just 1 season. Well, it is on MTV so I supposed music should be incorporated some where!

5. The ridiculous one-liners - Too many to list, obviously! But here's a gem from my favorite cast member Spencer Pratt, "I can't make you un-my sister


The fact that they think Heidi's sister is an alcoholic! I just think she has the right idea. Perhaps she's the only one of them that actually went to college, in which case - what would they think of the alcohol enthusiatic college kids I've encountered? One can only wonder....

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