1. The theme song - Natasha Beddignfields "Unwritten" come on! There is no better theme song. The song is actually the theme song to my life!
2. Heidi's Hair - Say what you want about all of her other fake extremities, but her hair? Dynamite.
3. JUSTIN BOBBY! - Need I say more?
4. The Soundtrack - I've discovered so much new music from just 1 season. Well, it is on MTV so I supposed music should be incorporated some where!
5. The ridiculous one-liners - Too many to list, obviously! But here's a gem from my favorite cast member Spencer Pratt, "I can't make you un-my sister
The fact that they think Heidi's sister is an alcoholic! I just think she has the right idea. Perhaps she's the only one of them that actually went to college, in which case - what would they think of the alcohol enthusiatic college kids I've encountered? One can only wonder....
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