is an original. That's my LV Speedy & my cowgirl boots resting on a very hot day en route to the Louvre in Paris, France.



Making the Most of Happy Hours

By: Ed
With happy hours around the corner in both New York and Chicago, Ed wanted to give you some pointers so you get as much out of them as possible.

1. If you’re shy, come with somebody. Whether it’s a co-worker or a friend at another magazine, having a buddy will make it easier for you to approach other happy hour-goers. Don’t know anyone? Find a new pal on the message boards, meet a few minutes before the happy hour, then tackle the get-together.

2. Go with the right goal in mind. Anyone see that “Ugly Betty” episode where Bernadette Peters, whose teaching an ASME-like workshop, instructs the young editors to make 50 or so new contacts? That’s high, but it’s a better goal than “finding a job” or even “scoring an interview.” If you meet one nice person who you’ll actually keep in touch with, then you’ve succeeded.

3. Don’t purposely seek out higher-ups. Ed can’t emphasize it enough: The people who will help you down the line or most likely at your level now. Yes, a senior editor may have more pull and more advice than an intern or an EA, but you’ll probably have more to talk about with someone who’s going through similar experiences as you now. And remember, that person will likely be a higher-up one day.

4. Bring cards, not resumes. It’s cool to give a business card to someone you’ve hit it off with and would like to keep in touch with. It’s an efficient way to distribute your contact info! But happy hours are not the places for resumes, cover letters, or even clips. Leave ‘em at home. You can always e-mail them to the contacts you’ve made.

5. Have fun. Of course, getting sloppy drunk in front of potential colleagues is never smart, but it’s a happy hour—have a drink! The point is to meet new people and have some good convos. If you’re more likely to do that with a little bit of liquid courage, don’t let Ed stop you from taking advantage of the happy hour specials!

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